
E.R.B. of History 3: Abe Lincoln VS Chuck Norris

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Epic Rap Battles of History 3: Abe Lincoln VS Chuck Norris

O.K. I had a LONG discussion with my friends on this one but... Well... (sigh)... I think I'll start by studying there performance.
Abe Lincoln: He had a vary consistent performance. He simultaneously crushed Chuck and built himself up, although his last line broke his writhim.
Chuck Norris: I don't have to talk much about him. He started calm and cool, but he let Lincoln get on his nerves which messed up his game.

O.K. now on to the points.

Best opener: Abe Lincoln
Best content: Abe Lincoln
Best Line: Chuck Norris "My raps will blow your mined like a verbal John Wilkes Booth"
Best closer: Chuck Norris
worst line: Abe Lincoln "I'll rip your cheats hears out put them in my mouth"

Winner: ABE LINCOLN!!!

He was consistent and strong throw out the battle. Chuck wold have won if he hadn't used so meany "Chuck web facts" and had just stayed cool.

That's it I'm Out-
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MajorXenosCooper's avatar
I agree, Chuck just lost it, which doesn't seem very Chuck-like